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gathering and growing His people to maturity in Christ   

God is at work  

  as we seek to love God,  neighbor, and one another


Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, April 13, churchwide potluck brunch at 10:00am
Maundy Thursday Communion Service, April 17, 7:00pm, no childcare
Good Friday Service, April 18, noon, no childcare
Easter Sunday, April 20

        7:30am Outdoor Worship Service (Courtyard)
        9:15am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
        11:15am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Nursery care available at the 9:15am and 11:15am services only. Sunday School and Children’s Worship Classes will not meet on Easter Sunday.

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New Here?

Worship Services: 8:30am + 11:15am

Sunday School
(all ages):

Trinity Presbyterian Church is a local congregation of sinners saved by grace in Charlottesville, VA.


God Himself has called us together as His people to hear His word proclaimed and respond through worship, prayer, and praise.


In a world full of demands to be somebody or do something, we approach the throne of grace to hear the good news of what Jesus Christ has done for us.


We would love for you to join us on a Sunday!  



Upcoming Events

Sermon Series

This academic year, we are working slowly through the book of Colossians, a magnificent letter of the Apostle Paul.

In Colossians 3:16, Paul calls us to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,” and this is our prayer as we study Colossians together.​​​

Watch Livestream

Church Center is our primary tool for up to date information on events, registrations, contact information, etc. 

All are welcome create a log in to access Church Center.  The online directory is available to members and regular attenders only.

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For ministry specific newsletters, enroll here.

3101 Fontaine Avenue Extended, Charlottesville, VA 22903


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