Devotional Guide
The Lord calls us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, both individually and corporately (Col 3:16). The heart of this call is realized in our gathered worship each Sunday morning, but it extends to our lives throughout the week.
To that end, the pastors prepare a weekly devotional guide for your use in private devotions and/or family worship. This guide is designed to be used in weekly cycles of Tuesday to Monday, with the same scriptural elements that will be used in the Sunday worship service in the middle of that cycle. Our hope is that this will enrich your preparation for, and reflection upon, our gathered worship each week.
Printed copies of the guide will be available in the foyer, and an electronic copy is linked at the button above, as well as in Trinity Life. If you do not already receive Trinity Life (a weekly email that comes out on Fridays), and would like to, please subscribe using the box at the bottom of this page.
The guide follows our general order of worship, alternating between scripture readings and prayers. The four distinct prayers help structure and focus our prayers around adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
For the prayer of supplication, consider following the pattern of our pastoral prayer on Sundays, praying for: (1) our world, our nation, and our leaders, (2) the mission and work of the church—at Trinity, in C’ville, and around the world (including the persecuted church), and (3) the needs, cares, and concerns of our neighbors and ourselves; and closing with the Lord’s Prayer. If used for family worship, one parent can introduce the category and then have “popcorn” prayer for items within that category.
For additional Bible reading, we recommend using some type of Bible reading plan. For a helpful guide to the many options for such plans, please consult this page from Ligonier Ministries.