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The Trinity Library is located in room 207, across from the 201–203 Christian Education classrooms. Please contact Endrina Tay, volunteer librarian, with questions, to serve in the library, or with any suggestions for additions to the library collection.


Online Catalog

The library collection includes more than 6,500 books for adults, teens, and children, covering nonfiction, fiction, and biography. Check out the collection and availability by searching our online catalog (enter tpc library in the Library Name field and leave the password field blank), or by downloading the LibraryWorld app onto your iPhone from the Apple Store or onto your Android mobile device from the Android Market (enter tpc library as the login and leave the password blank). You can search the catalog by author, title, subject, or keyword. Keep in mind that records are updated on a weekly or biweekly basis, not instantaneously.


Checking Out Books

Books may be checked out for three weeks. Record your name, contact phone number and email, and the six-digit barcode on the Trinity label at the back of each book being checked out on the clipboard found on the checkout counter in the library. Please help us keep our library holdings up to date by only removing books from the library that you have signed out and by returning books in a timely fashion so others have access to them.

First-time library users should complete a new patron form available in the library, and leave it in the basket on the checkout counter.


Returning Books

Return books by placing them in the book drop under the checkout counter in the library.


Donating Books

Donate new or gently used books, especially ones for teens and for children, to help renew and improve our collection. Place donations in the book drop under the checkout counter in the library. Donors who wish to have donations that are not added returned to them should flag the copies by inserting a note with this stipulation. Otherwise, donated books that are found to be duplicates or outside of our collection scope will be offered to the congregation on the Free Books shelf located outside the Library.


Serving on the Library Ministry Team

If you are passionate about helping Trinity individuals and families grow spiritually through good books and online resources, we have a place for you! We need help with collection maintenance (checking books in and out, shelving, weeding, etc.), processing new books and donations, serving on advisory groups to help build our teen and children’s collection, and leading reading groups for adults and teens. Time commitment is flexible and can be tailored to your availability. Both adult and youth volunteers are welcome.

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3101 Fontaine Avenue Extended, Charlottesville, VA 22903


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