Sunday School/Nursery
Sunday School classes are offered during the 10:00 education hour for children ages 3 through fifth grade. The nursery will also remain open during this time. Please register your child prior to his/her first day in Children's Ministry programming.
Children's Worship
During the sermon, children will gather in two groups (K/1st and 2nd/3rd) for a time of learning more about God, His word and His work in and among us.
Children's Choir
Children’s Choir sings in worship four times a year (October, Lessons & Carols, February, and Palm Sunday). Music will be primarily practiced during the Sunday school music time (the first 15 minutes of Sunday school) with one additional rehearsal before singing in worship.
Music & Me
Children and caregivers are invited to gather for a time of music, movement, stories, and fellowship.
Members of the church are continued to be invited to serve in the Children’s Ministry as teachers, helpers and regular volunteers in Sunday School, Children’s Worship and in the Nursery. To volunteer in Children's Ministry, email Rebe McReynolds.